Friday, February 17, 2012

Booblicious ???

So, this is my first post after the happiness of winning the KFC's Fiery grill contest. Well, the time I submitted my blog post for the contest, I had no idea that I could end up winning that. After all there were just 3 likes, to my post. But the moment I was a winner, (1st runner-up) my post likes and appreciations zoomed. If it had not been for the lady who got the maximum likes, I would not have got to know that I was the winner. She commented on my post, and then I woke up to the fact that I was indeed a winner. OK, any ways my last post was on 14th of February, now today it is 17th of February, oh my God, I did not blog for 2 days....oh no..

So, let us move on to the post of the day. It is titled BOOBLICIOUS. I simply fail to understand why women try so hard to be one, when actually they are not. What is the fun in having big boobs? Firstly, it is difficult to wear tank tops and corset dresses with big boobs; you will be feeling stuck or choked wearing them. Secondly, all the men will be looking at you with their eyes wide open. And please do not stereotype Indian men in that category of lusty eyed men. I have witnessed such ogling men in Switzerland too. So, in fact Indian men are being too nice if they just feel you with their vision when you are so booblicious. Thirdly, of course big boobs are gonna weigh you down. They do carry a weight of their own, isn't it?? So, you will be stressed and worked out after carrying your own fake boobs for a long time.

I am fine with the fact that few women are born booblicious, I only do not understand the fascination of petite women to get booblicious with all the means that they could. Stuffing their such delicate body parts with socks, double bras, padded bras, wired bras, gel bras, securing them with duct tapes and then silicone implants. My goodness is there so much pressure of having an hour glass figure, especially the upper part of the hour glass. And it is worse if you are simply doing all this to impress a guy. You are in any case going to lose him the moment you get him. Who will like a woman who fakes her own body part....she can go to any heights to fake other stuff as well.

And the job is not done even after the stuffing, then you are also supposed to stand with your boobs protruding outside in order to make the convex more prominent. Glam them up with shimmering fake tan lotions and dusty compact powder foundations too. Also, if you are posing for pictures, you can try more tricks like bubbling them up by first lifting them, and then pressing the two in-between your two hands!!!!!

Seriously guys, I am happy being ignorant of the fact that I am born flat. I feel free, stress free and less vulnerable to the prying eyes.

Such a loser
babes you should have pressed somewhere else too
I tried it too, I look so retarted...LOL
 Disclaimer: Not intended to women who have gone through chemo therapies
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1 comment:

  1. LOL :P an outspoken POST and damn frank.. certainly you cannot be a HYPOCRITE...

    Congrats for winning KFC and as a teen guy, i can't stand against your topic :P
    i dono what to comment ? :P :P
    but i have to say, i enjoyed this post and the 2nd snap(CAPTIONS) was amazing !
